
When you book a stay at Teglværkspladsen you have access to a communal covered-in luxury outdoor kitchen with a woodfired pizza oven, 2 gas burners, basic kitchen utensils, plates and cutlery, a barbeque, a small fridge/freezer and tableware for 70 people (and the possibility of renting a large industrial fridge), also the tepee with room for approx. 70 people, a lovely terrace by the lake, access to an outdoor hot tub including firewood, an outside shower with cold and hot water, a composting toilet with the best view over the Baltic Sea, power and cold water in the kitchen and by the terrace, and free patting of the sweet goats.

Rental of kitchen, tipi, terrace and wilderness bath incl. firewood and service for 70 people (for more people, we will agree further) DKK 5000 per day (from 11.00 a.m. day one, to 11.00 a.m. day two, or by agreement) If it is to be rented for longer on day 2, it is DKK 500 per extra hour. The brickyard is a self-service space. If you have any questions or would like a tour, you are welcome. See you on the water or in the countryside You can book the entire space for your own event, such as birthday, company party, wedding, lecture, concert, hen party, camping trip or whatever you can think of, most things are possible.
We have space for everything from small groups to larger companies, you can rent the space for an hour or 3 days.

Please read the Teglværkspladsen manual under „Information“ at the bottom of this page.

Can only be booked outside the season or on days without any bookings, as the area is available to the guests to Teglværkspladsen.

To rent please contact us here: